About Me
What got me into fitness/supplements was I was hit by a car which left me in a coma for 1 month & I.C.U on life support for 3 months.
Which then left me with a brain injury, 1 lung, 1 kidney and a damaged liver.
On leaving the hospital in a wheelchair I was told it was unlikely I would walk again or at the very least I would need crutches or a stick so I made it my goal to walk unattended.
As i got more steady on feet but still not being able to walk or do much activity i gained 6 stone & was kidney specialised showed concern as my kidney was failing & i needed to lose weight.
So i started training & in 6 months lost 6 stone & in this time i started to take supplements for my health & wellbeing but i soon found out taking cheap supplements are just as bad for your organs as being overweight .
My kidney dr told me to stop taking the whey protein i was using (a cheap brand) as my kidney was still failing but i did my research & just replaced it with a better quality protein & when i went back (3 minths later) my kidney markers had improved( i never told her changed the protein) so i pride myself on only stocking quality supplements I have tried & tested myself.